tisdag 25 augusti 2015

Australia - The big country in the south

We are going to watch a film called "Australia - the great southern land".

Discuss this before watching the film
  • Where is Australia situated?
  • Does Australia have any neighboring countries?
  • What big cities in Australia do you know of?
  • What language/ languages are spoken in Australia?
  • Name some animals that are typical for Australia.

Think about this while watching the film
  • Is Australia an island or a continent?
  • What is Tasmania?
  • Who are the Aborigines?
  • How did the arrival of the Europeans affect the Aborigines?
  • How did the British use Australia in the beginning?
  • How would you describe the climate in Australia?
  • Why are bush fires so common in Australia?
  • Where do most Australians live?
  • What is a marsupial?
  • What is Australia’s largest export?
  • Name a few things that many people work with in Australia.
  • Name a couple of things that people in Australia do on their spare time.

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