torsdag 20 augusti 2015

Conversation - Supernatural

Discuss these questions in groups!

  1. Have you or a friend ever gone to a psychic or fortune teller? If so, what happened?
  2. Do you think that dreams can help us solve problems?
  3. Have you ever dreamt something that later came true?
  4. Do you think that some people can predict the future?
  5. Is the belief in UFOs, aliens, physic powers, growing because belief in religion is dying?
  6. Do you believe in horoscopes?
  7. Has anything ever happened to you that you cannot explain?
  8. Do you believe that there are things in our universe that cannot be explained? Can you give some examples?
  9. Do you believe in reincarnation or that you only live once?
  10. What about life after death?
  11. Have you ever felt that you knew someone the first time you met them?
  12. Have you ever visited a city for the first time and knew exactly where things were?
  13. Do you believe in ESP? (Extra Sensory Perception,supernatural, paranormal powers)
  14. Do you believe that UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) exist? Why?
  15. Have you or someone you know ever seen a UFO?
  16. Do you believe there is life on other planets?
  17. Do you believe in guardian angels, ghosts, vampires, dragons, or witches? Why?
  18. Do you believe in fairies?
  19. Do you believe in God? Why or why not?
  20. What is the most frightening thing that has ever happened to you?
  21. Could you ever spend the night at a cemetery? Why or why not?
  22. Do you believe that spirits that appear to people are good or bad?
  23. Has an angel ever contacted you?
  24. What did the angel tell you?
  25. If you had the chance to spend the night in a haunted house would you?
  26. Do you know of anyone who was miraculously healed of a disease?
  27. Do you know people who talk with the dead?
  28. Would you if you could? Why?
  29. f you could travel back or forward in time what year would you choose? Why?
  30. Do you believe you can hypnotize a person and make them do things they don't want to?
  31. Have you ever known something was going to happen before it did? How do you explain it?
  32. Does the job of a ghostbuster attract you? Why would you like to do this work?
  33. Do you believe in the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland? Why?
  34. What about ape-men creatures like the Yeti in Tibet or Bigfoot in America?
  35. Do you think people can move objects without touching them (telekinesis)?
  36. Do you think people can read your thoughts and know your secrets (telepathy)?
  37. If you could develop just one special power which one would you choose? Why?

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