fredag 11 september 2015

Would you ever..?

Some questions for you to discuss:

  • Would you ever donate blood?
  • Would you ever consider being a farmer?
  • Would you ever consider getting plastic surgery?
  • Would you ever donate a kidney or another vital organ?
  • Would you ever donate an organ in order to save other person's life?
  • Would you ever give money to a charity?
  • Would you ever marry someone your parents didn't approve of?
  • Would you ever walk home alone at night?
    • In this country?
    • In another country?
  • Would you ever lie to your parents?
  • Would you ever consider going bungee jumping?
  • Would you ever eat rice with sugar?
  • Would you ever feed the animals at the zoo?
  • Would you ever get hair implants?
  • Would you ever give money to a panhandler? (a beggar)
  • Would you ever go skinny dipping? (swim naked)
  • Would you ever lie to your children?
    • To your husband/wife?
    • Your boyfriend/girlfriend?
  • Would you ever lie to help a friend?
  • Would you ever paint your living room black?
  • Would you ever pick up a hitchhiker?
  • Would you ever slap someone for something they said?
  • Would you ever smoke in a no smoking area?
  • Would you ever spank your child?
  • Would you ever steal from your family or friends?
  • Would you ever "take a bullet" for someone else?
  • Would you ever walk downtown without any shoes on your feet?
  • Would you eat a live cricket for $500? If not, how much money would it take?
  • Would you ever resort to cannibalism if it were the only option left to stay alive?
  • Would you divorce your husband/wife if your favorite celebrity wanted to marry you?
  • Would you name your children after favorite characters in movies or books?
    • Would you do so if the names were strange, as in science fiction movies or books?
  • Would you ever pull over and help someone on the side of the road?
    • Do you think this could be dangerous to do?
  • Would you ever say yes to someone even if you meant no?
  • Would you ever consider plastic surgery if a friend suggested it to you?
  • Would you ever consider writing your own book?
  • Would you ever try staying in the jungle for a month?
  • Would you ever pretend to be someone (like a policeman, or a teacher, or a survey taker) just to get something that you wanted?
  • Would you ever consider being a criminal?
  • Would you ever defy your boss if he/she asked you to do something you didn't agree with?
  • Would you ever eat rat meat?

Questions taken from

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