tisdag 26 januari 2016

Australia day


Australia Day is celebrated annually on January the 26th. It is an official national holiday and most Australians take the day off work. All schools close. Australia Day commemorates the creation of the first British settlement in Australia in 1788. Captain Arthur Phillip, the very first Governor of New South Wales, set up a community to run a prison in what is now Sydney. The earliest records of Australia Day date back to 1808. Not all Australians celebrate this day. Many Aboriginal Australians do not like the idea of a day to celebrate the British landing. Aborigines have dubbed the 26 January as "Invasion Day" or "Survival Day". The latter name celebrates the fact that the Aboriginal peoples and culture have not been wiped out.

The Prime Minister announces the Australian of the Year on the eve of Australia Day. This goes to the Australian who has made a "significant contribution to the Australian community and nation and is an inspirational role model for the Australian community". There are many other celebrations across the country, including many spectacular fireworks displays. The biggest one is in Perth, capital of Western Australia. Sydney holds a tall ships race in its world famous harbour. Other state and territory capitals hold their own celebrations. Australia’s Prime Minister usually makes a speech to the nation and talks about what being an Australian means and how proud Australians should be of their country.

(From eslholidaylessons)



Sydney has two landmarks which are famous around the world: Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge.
In this activity, your teacher will put you in two groups: A and B.
If you are in Group A, visit the website below:
Read through the information on the Opera House and write six questions. When you are done, give your questions to Group B.
If you are in Group B, visit the website below:
Read through the information on the Harbour Bridge and write six questions. When you are done, give your questions to Group A.
Now try to find the answers to the questions your group has been given. It’s a race – the quickest group to finish is the winner. 
(From Onestopenglish)


Look at the following sentences and, in pairs, choose the best response:

  1. What are your plans for your next holiday?
  2. a) We’re going to Australia.
  3. b) We will go to Australia.

  1. I’ve forgotten my sunglasses.
  2. a) Don’t worry – we’re going to buy some in Sydney.
  3. b) Don’t worry – we’ll buy some in Sydney.

  1. Why don’t we go to the beach?
  2. a) Look at those clouds! It’s going to rain.
  3. b) Look at those clouds! It will rain.

4. A: We’re going to the Opera House later.
    B: Didn’t you hear? It’s closed today.

a) Oh well, we’re going to Bondi beach instead.
  1. b) Oh well, we’ll go to Bondi beach instead.

5. How are you getting to the Blue Mountains?

a) Perhaps we’re going to drive there from Sydney.
b) Perhaps we’ll drive there from Sydney.




Read about the teenager who created today's Australia Day Google Doodle.
Australia Day - Stolen generation - Google doodle

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